"March: Book One" (Mar 19)

March 19: “March: Book One”

While reading March, I was really taken by the illustrations in the panels. I really felt like these were smaller paintings in one big, continuous and sequential painting. I really feel that the black and white images were indicative to the mood and atmosphere of the story and its characters. The fact that these stories have been inspired by memoirs and other events relating to the Civil Right Movement
I like stories that depict a character in a certain time in history. Here, it depicts a teen who works in a family farm, ranging chickens int he time area of the Martin Luther King days. I really feel that creating a character in a certain time can help younger viewers/ readers see and learn about that time era in a more personal light. The youngster is a very serious about his education and his work ethic and is a character young readers can relate to and appeal to. Once the character learns, and relates to the real world issues in their story. I feel that the reader can learn of the time period and the events through the situations of the character.  

Overall, in Book One of March, instead of talking about the vents that occurring the story and summering the vents in this blog, I decided to talk about the main character, and how the reader can learn of the events that take place in the story. I think it’s pretty interesting in having tot ell this completely original story inside an already well documented tale like the civil rights movements and the days of MLK. This really creates this fun, intriguing and informative narrative for new readers and familiar ones that know of MLK and can relate to the main character in this story.


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