"Web Comics" (April 30)
Week 14: Web Comics I have never actually read a web comic before. I had no experience with it, and when going it it, I had the expectation of it being just like an actual, physical comic, but on my computer screen. When going through it, I wouldn't say I was wrong, but it not what I had expected it to be. Even though some of them still retain having images to display, I was nothing like reading regular comic. Instead of looking at one particular web comic, I looked at several others. From Nuklear Power , and Achewood , to Astounding Space Thrills , I looked at them and really looked at the layout of theme and see the different ays to display a web comic, since I had no experience with the medium. I really think it’s interesting to think about how far along we’ve gotten, in terms of how comics can be produced and displayed to an audiences. It really shows how technology has advanced, but it also shows how we gobble up content. Today, more people swallow content through devic...